1120 Park Avenue

Building Name

1120 Park Avenue


George F. Pelham

Year(s) Built



Park Avenue Historic District

1120 Park Avenue
Project Information:

A Colonial Revival style apartment building designed by George F. Pelham and built in 1929-30. Application is to modify window openings.

CB8 Hearing: 08/17/15 (Approved)
LPC Hearing: 09/08/15 (No Action)
LPC Meeting: 10/20/15 (Approved with Modifications)

FRIENDS' Testimony:

The upper story windows at this secondary façade are a jumble of shapes and sizes, lacking symmetry. Although the proposed enlargement of window openings is quite visible, when seen in the context of this already compromised section of the building, the Preservation Committee at FRIENDS does not object. However, we would prefer to see the issue with the sill resolved at the interior, in order to eliminate the fixed metal panel.

Our preference in general is for the institution of master plans to guide future window replacement, and the high frequency of window modification proposals in the recent Park Avenue Historic District highlights their utility.

FRIENDS' Testimony:

The revisions to the proposed alterations of the upper story windows are an improvement to the original proposal which exacerbated the jumble of window shapes and sizes at the secondary façade. Although the proposed enlargement of the window opening is quite visible, its alignment with the windows below is more appropriate and retains a better sense of symmetry. As stated in previous testimony on September 8, 2015, we would still prefer to see the issue with the sill resolved at the interior, in order to eliminate the fixed metal panels.

The Preservation Committee reiterates our preference for the institution of master plans to guide future window replacement.

LPC Hearing: