Building Name
1045 Fifth Avenue
Starrett Brothers & Eken.
Year(s) Built
Metropolitan Museum Historic District

Project Information:
An apartment building constructed in 1965-67 and designed by Starrett Brothers & Eken. Application is to enclose a portion of the 15th floor terrace, construct a rooftop addition and alter fenestration.
CB8 Hearing: 05/13/2019 (Approved)
LPC Hearing: 05/21/2019 (Approved)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
Owing to its location on Fifth Avenue and the low-scale William Starr Miller House, home to the Neue Galerie, next door, 1045 Fifth Avenue is an extremely visible anomaly on this part of the corridor – a white brick and brown tinted glass relic of the 1960s tucked in among more traditional stone and brick apartment houses.
The upper levels and existing setbacks are particularly visible from the north and from the Park. The proposed infill of the terrace setbacks would alter one of the key defining features of this boxy mid-century building, its massing. Though not inappropriate from a materials or window configuration standpoint, FRIENDS Preservation Committee is hesitant to voice support for such a visible modification that would significantly alter the perception of the upper stories of this protected building.