Doelger Building 1491 Third Avenue New York NY
A multi-purpose commercial structure from 1931, the four-story Doelger Building originally contained stores, offices, and a third floor ballroom. The entrance to the ballroom was on 84th Street, next to stairs that led to the uptown platform of the Third Avenue El. Commissioned by Peter Doelger, of the Doegler brewing family, it was designed in the Art Deco style by architect George Dress. Lyres, as well as stylized classical details enliven the terracotta spandrels. During the 1930s, the third floor was leased to the Mayo Ballroom, an Irish dancehall that hosted weddings and occasional stage reviews, and later it became Deutsche Hall, a venue popular with German-American patrons throughout and after World War II. This space was converted to offices in the mid-1950s.