In 1904, The Explorers Club was founded as an international, multidisciplinary, professional organization dedicated to the advancement of field research, scientific exploration, and to the ideal that it is vital to preserve the instinct to explore.
In the century since, The Explorers Club has played a significant role as the premier meeting place for explorers and scientists worldwide who have pushed the limits of discovery and human endurance. Club Members have attained incredible feats, including our “Famous Firsts” such as First to the North Pole (1909), First to the South Pole (1911), First to the Highest Point on Earth (Mt. Everest, 1953), and First to the Surface of the Moon (1969). Join Archivist and Curator of Research Collections Lacey Flint for a behind-the-scenes tour of the club’s Neo-Jacobean headquarters built originally for art collector Stephen C. Clark and explore its extraordinary collection of books, manuscripts and rare artifacts.
The Explorers Club
46 East 70th Street
$15 FRIENDS members, $25 non-members.